Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Varieties for the New Year

Last night I picked out three seeds that I want to try from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.  They are:

Minnesota Midget Melon - I am liking the size of this melon.  One person size, just a handful, only 4" across.  And the description says:  It is the perfect miniature of the "Classic Muskmelon".  Perfect for me, too, I hope.

Lemon Squash - to be honest I like all kinds of Squash so I am sure I will like this one.  I just especially like how it looks.  Big fan of Lemons, that's me.
lemon squash new

and a Tomato variety called Blueberries!  What a cool combo, the look is terrific and from the description in the Baker Creek Heirloom Seed catalog they will taste sweet and fruity.  That's enough to interest my eye and my taste buds.

For less than $10.00 that should bring a little variety and newness to my 2014 garden.

My garden goal is to figure out if I can feed myself this year.  Of course, I will share if the opportunity presents itself, but what I want is to increase what I am eating from my own sowing.  If all goes well I will have plenty to share, but if that happens it will just be gravy.

Bye for now, from Powell Cottage.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 the Year of the Garden

I have decided to try to blog daily about my gardening.  I seem to have time to Pin everyday and FB everyday, and YT everyday, so I am going to try to be more constructive in 2014 and blog every day about something that will do me good in the long run.

So I am going to keep positive thoughts about my garden this year.  Sharing those thoughts will help me make what's important habit.  

This year I found a YouTuber who actually vlogs about his garden and chickens from Dallas.  That was inspiring for me.  His vlog is called Brandon Marshall and that amazingly enough is also his name.   Brandon via one of his videos turned me on to this:

Okay, it's a catalog, but it's more like a book and well worth The $7.95, and the current catalog came along as well.  I buy most of my seeds at North Haven Gardens here is Dallas, or sometime Calloways.  This year tho' I am going to buy some unusual seeds from Baker Creek and some from Seed Savers Exchange just to make sure the places that I respect all get some of my business.  And, of course, to get something that I can't find in the local nurseries.

Okay, well that is a start.  And, as I should have said earlier:  Happy New Year to All from Powell Cottage!