Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday stopped meaning much to me when Troy Aikman retired, but this year it completely left my radar.  In fact I thought that the playoffs were the Super Bowl.  I knew there was an important game happening that weekend and it was the end of January.  Isn't that when they always played the Super Bowl?  I owe my lack of awareness to my lack of a TV. 

When the new digital requirements came in for TVs I was at my financial low.  I have never had cable, but I wasn't even addicted enough to television to bother and try to find the money for the $45 digital kit.  I just turned them off and spent more time at the library and more time listening to audiobooks from the library and watching youtube and listening to podcasts.  Let's be honest if there was anything that I really wanted to watch I could see it online anyway.  So, all in all, it's been a really good thing.  I still have a TV tho' that has my VCR and DVD hooked up to it for movies.  "VCR", you say.  Yes! VCR.  I still watch tapes I really like.

But no TV online or otherwise today.  Today I planted my first seeds for the 2011 garden year.  I planted a few yellow pear tomatoes, a few cherry tomatoes, a few peach tomatoes, a bunch of spinach, some chard, some dill and some fennel.  I also planted two blue berry bushes in large containers, and 5 containers of strawberries (two late season, and 3 midseason).

I also listened to a lot of podcasts about beekeeping.  I am so interested in beekeeping, but it just hasn't made it to the top 5 list of things to do in this garden year.  Of course things could change!  One nevers knows.  The top 5 for this gardening year are: 1) fix the greenhouse construction and cover with appropriate plastic that will last, 2) constructing an outdoor shower, 3) getting angora rabbits (manure makes this a garden project), 4) making a solar oven, and 5) including my front yard bed in food production. 

We had a cold week this week, but it's back to reasonable football weather in time for the big game. 

The photo above was the view of my backyard on Saturday.  Cold but beautiful here at Powell Cottage.